Jurnal Komunikata 2024-06-29T08:35:44+00:00 Open Journal Systems <p>Jurnal Komunikata ini bertujuan untuk memfasilitasi dan mempromosikan penyebaran informasi ilmiah tentang penelitian dan pengembangan di bidang linguistik, sastra, dan pengajaran dan pembelajaran bahasa. Artikel-artikel yang dimuat dalam jurnal ini dapat berupa hasil penelitian, pemikiran konseptual, ide, inovasi, best practice, dan resensi buku. Ruang lingkup jurnal ini mencakup bidang topik berikut:<br />- Literatur<br />- Studi Bahasa<br />- Linguistik<br />- Teori Akuisisi Bahasa Kedua</p> <p>Jurnal Komunikata merupakan jurnal akses terbuka yang berarti bahwa semua konten tersedia secara bebas tanpa biaya untuk penggunaan institusinya. Pengguna diizinkan untuk membaca, mengunduh, menyalin, mendistribusikan, mencetak, mencari, atau menautkan ke teks lengkap artikel, atau menggunakannya untuk tujuan lain yang sah, tanpa meminta izin sebelumnya dari penerbit atau penulis.</p> Electoral Politics and the Human Condition in George Orwell’s Works 2024-06-29T04:39:00+00:00 I Made Yoga Mahendra <p>Electoral politics and the human condition in George Orwell's works intersect profoundly, reflecting his keen observations on power dynamics, societal control, and individual autonomy. Orwell's exploration often critiques the manipulation inherent in electoral processes, where idealistic democratic principles clash with the realities of power struggles and propaganda. In Orwell's dystopian novel "1984," electoral politics are portrayed through the Party's totalitarian regime, where elections serve as tools of manipulation rather than genuine expressions of popular will. The protagonist Winston Smith's disillusionment with the electoral facade mirrors Orwell's skepticism about the ability of electoral systems to uphold genuine democracy amid pervasive surveillance and thought control. Similarly, in "Animal Farm," Orwell allegorically critiques electoral politics through the rise of the pigs, who promise equality and liberation but ultimately replicate the tyranny they initially rebelled against. The pigs' manipulation of electoral processes highlights Orwell's belief that power tends to corrupt, and electoral mechanisms can be co-opted to consolidate control rather than serve the public interest. Overall, Orwell's portrayal of electoral politics underscores broader themes of truth, freedom, and the vulnerability of democratic ideals to manipulation and corruption. His works continue to resonate, prompting reflection on the complexities and challenges inherent in navigating electoral systems within the broader context of the human condition.</p> 2024-06-29T00:00:00+00:00 Hak Cipta (c) 2024 Jurnal Komunikata Satire and Election: Political Leadership in English Comedy Literature 2024-06-29T07:59:05+00:00 Ni Ketut Luh Ayu Pramita <p>Satire has long been a powerful tool in English comedy literature, particularly when exploring themes of political leadership and elections. This abstract examines how satire in literature critiques and satirizes political leaders and election processes. Through a lens of humor and irony, authors use satire to illuminate flaws in political figures, institutions, and societal attitudes towards leadership. This exploration spans from classical works like Jonathan Swift's "Gulliver's Travels," where absurd political systems reflect real-world governance issues, to modern comedies that lampoon contemporary political campaigns and personalities. Satirical literature not only entertains but also serves as a mirror to society, offering critical commentary on the complexities and absurdities of political leadership and democratic processes.&nbsp;</p> 2024-06-29T00:00:00+00:00 Hak Cipta (c) 2024 Jurnal Komunikata Protagonists and Politicians: Elective Leadership in Bildungsromans 2024-06-29T07:55:12+00:00 I Nyoman Adi Susanto <p>This study examines the portrayal of elective leadership within Bildungsromans, focusing on the development of protagonists who navigate personal growth alongside political aspirations. Bildungsromans, as coming-of-age narratives, often intertwine personal maturation with societal engagement, where protagonists evolve from youthful naivety to nuanced political acumen. Through analysis of key literary works, this abstract explores how protagonists' journeys mirror political figures' trajectories, illustrating themes of ambition, ethical dilemmas, and the intersection of personal ideals with public responsibilities. Ultimately, this study underscores how Bildungsromans offer a lens into the complexities of leadership development, highlighting the parallels between individual growth and political leadership in fictional narratives.&nbsp;</p> 2024-06-29T00:00:00+00:00 Hak Cipta (c) 2024 Jurnal Komunikata The Fragility of Democracy: Electoral Systems in Contemporary English Novels 2024-06-29T07:51:07+00:00 Ni Luh Kadek Sri Utami <p>This abstract explores the portrayal of electoral systems and their impact on democracy in contemporary English novels. Through a comparative analysis of selected works, it examines how authors depict the vulnerabilities and complexities inherent in democratic processes. Novels serve as microcosms reflecting broader societal concerns about electoral integrity, representation, and the manipulation of public opinion. By analyzing narrative techniques and character perspectives, the abstract illuminates how literature engages with the challenges and dilemmas faced by democratic systems today. Ultimately, these novels provoke critical reflection on the fragility and resilience of democracy in an increasingly interconnected and uncertain world.&nbsp;</p> 2024-06-29T00:00:00+00:00 Hak Cipta (c) 2024 Jurnal Komunikata Electoral Dynamics in English Literature: From Chaucer to the Present 2024-06-29T07:47:45+00:00 I Kadek Aditya Pratama <p>This abstract explores the theme of electoral dynamics in English literature from the time of Geoffrey Chaucer to the contemporary era. It examines how literature has reflected and responded to the evolution of electoral processes, political ideologies, and societal perceptions of governance. Beginning with Chaucer's satirical portrayal of medieval politics in "The Canterbury Tales," the analysis progresses through centuries of literary works that engage with electoral themes, including Shakespeare's political dramas, Victorian novels' social critiques, and modernist reflections on democracy and power. By tracing this literary trajectory, the abstract highlights how English literature has served both as a mirror to and a commentator on electoral dynamics, offering insights into the changing landscapes of political participation, representation, and democratic ideals across different historical periods</p> 2024-06-29T00:00:00+00:00 Hak Cipta (c) 2024 Jurnal Komunikata The Hero as a Leader: Election and Leadership in Epic Poetry 2024-06-29T07:43:20+00:00 Ni Nyoman Sari Dewi <p>"The Hero as a Leader: Election and Leadership in Epic Poetry" explores the intersection of heroism, governance, and societal expectations in epic literature. This study delves into how heroes are chosen and recognized as leaders within their respective narratives, examining themes of meritocracy, divine endorsement, and the complexities of leadership during times of crisis. By analyzing select epic poems from various cultures, the study aims to uncover patterns of leadership representation and their implications for understanding both historical and mythical notions of authority and governance.</p> 2024-06-29T00:00:00+00:00 Hak Cipta (c) 2024 Jurnal Komunikata Electing Leaders: Ethical Implications in Modernist English Novels 2024-06-29T04:50:59+00:00 I Wayan Agus Santika <p>This abstract explores the portrayal and ethical implications of electing leaders in modernist English novels. It examines how authors of this period, such as Virginia Woolf and E.M. Forster, depict the dynamics and consequences of leadership elections within their narratives. The analysis focuses on themes of power, morality, and societal expectations, revealing how these writers critique or endorse electoral processes as reflections of broader ethical dilemmas. Through close readings of selected works, the abstract aims to illuminate the nuanced perspectives on governance and human agency presented in modernist English literature.</p> 2024-06-29T00:00:00+00:00 Hak Cipta (c) 2024 Jurnal Komunikata Gender and Leadership: Electoral Themes in Feminist English Literature 2024-06-29T04:48:29+00:00 Ni Komang Nita Laksmi <p>This study explores the intersection of gender and leadership through an analysis of electoral themes in feminist English literature. It examines how literary works authored by feminists depict and critique gender dynamics within leadership roles, particularly focusing on electoral contexts. By analyzing these narratives, the study aims to uncover the ways in which literature reflects and shapes societal perceptions of women in leadership, challenges traditional gender norms, and advocates for gender equality in political spheres. Through a close reading of selected texts, this research contributes to a deeper understanding of how literature serves as a medium for feminist discourse on leadership and electoral politics, highlighting both the barriers women face and the transformative potential of feminist leadership narratives.&nbsp;</p> 2024-06-29T00:00:00+00:00 Hak Cipta (c) 2024 Jurnal Komunikata Elective Leadership in Colonial and Postcolonial English Literature 2024-06-29T04:45:05+00:00 I Ketut Bayu Saputra <p>This abstract explores the theme of elective leadership in colonial and postcolonial English literature, focusing on how the concept of leadership evolves within the context of imperial domination and its aftermath. Colonial literature often portrays leadership as a tool of control wielded by imperial powers over subjected populations, highlighting themes of authority, resistance, and identity. Postcolonial literature, in contrast, examines the legacy of colonial leadership structures and their impact on newly independent nations, exploring themes of liberation, nation-building, and the complexities of self-governance. Through a comparative analysis of selected literary works, this abstract aims to illuminate the shifting dynamics of elective leadership in colonial and postcolonial contexts, revealing the enduring tensions between autonomy and subjugation, agency and oppression, inherent in the narratives of leadership in English literature&nbsp;</p> 2024-06-29T00:00:00+00:00 Hak Cipta (c) 2024 Jurnal Komunikata Shifting Powers: The Role of Elections in Medieval English Literature 2024-06-29T04:41:55+00:00 Ni Luh Eka Pertiwi <p>"Shifting Powers: The Role of Elections in Medieval English Literature" explores the thematic significance of elections in literary works from medieval England. This abstract delves into how the portrayal of elections reflects power dynamics, social structures, and political ideologies of the time. Through an analysis of selected texts, the study investigates how electoral processes were utilized as narrative devices to critique authority, justify governance, and challenge hierarchical norms in medieval English society. The abstract also examines the evolving perceptions of legitimacy and representation in the context of medieval literature, shedding light on the complex intersections of politics and literary imagination during this period.&nbsp;</p> 2024-06-29T00:00:00+00:00 Hak Cipta (c) 2024 Jurnal Komunikata Leadership and Legitimacy: Elective Processes in Shakespearean Drama 2024-06-29T03:31:05+00:00 I Made Arya Putra <p>This study explores the themes of leadership and legitimacy in Shakespearean drama, focusing on the elective processes that shape political power. Shakespeare’s works, including plays like "Hamlet," "Macbeth," and "Richard III," offer a rich examination of how leaders are chosen, the legitimacy of their rule, and the consequences of these processes. Through a close analysis of these texts, the research highlights the complexities of succession, the role of public and private machinations in leadership transitions, and the impact of these factors on the stability of the state. The study also considers how Shakespeare's portrayal of elective processes reflects contemporary concerns of his time, offering insights into the enduring nature of political power struggles and the quest for legitimate authority.</p> 2024-06-29T00:00:00+00:00 Hak Cipta (c) 2024 Jurnal Komunikata Democratic Discourse in the English Romantic Era: Leadership and Election 2024-06-29T03:54:10+00:00 Ni Ketut Sinta Widya <p>This study explores the nature and development of democratic discourse during the English Romantic era, focusing on themes of leadership and election. The Romantic period, spanning from the late 18th to the early 19th century, was a time of significant political and social upheaval. Against this backdrop, Romantic writers and thinkers engaged deeply with ideas about democracy, governance, and the role of the individual in society. The paper examines how figures like William Wordsworth, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, and Percy Bysshe Shelley grappled with concepts of democratic leadership and the electoral process. Through their poetry, essays, and political writings, these authors contributed to a broader conversation about the possibilities and challenges of democratic governance. The study highlights how their works reflected contemporary debates about political representation, the nature of authority, and the potential for societal reform. Ultimately, it demonstrates that Romantic literature played a crucial role in shaping and reflecting the evolving discourse on democracy in this transformative period.</p> 2024-06-29T00:00:00+00:00 Hak Cipta (c) 2024 Jurnal Komunikata Public Opinion and Private Agendas: Elective Leadership in 20th Century English Novels 2024-06-29T03:51:35+00:00 I Nyoman Agus Pratama <p>"Public Opinion and Private Agendas: Elective Leadership in 20th Century English Novels" explores the intricate interplay between societal perceptions and the personal motivations of leaders as depicted in 20th-century English literature. This study examines how novelists of the period portray the influence of public opinion on the actions and decisions of leaders, contrasting it with their private ambitions and ethical dilemmas. Through a close analysis of key works, the research highlights the tension between the public expectations of leadership and the often conflicting private agendas of individuals in positions of power. The findings reveal a nuanced commentary on the nature of leadership, public perception, and the moral complexities faced by leaders in a rapidly changing socio-political landscape.</p> 2024-06-29T00:00:00+00:00 Hak Cipta (c) 2024 Jurnal Komunikata Utopian Visions and Political Realities: Leadership Elections in Sci-Fi Literature 2024-06-29T03:49:20+00:00 Ni Luh Putri Maharani <p>This paper explores the interplay between utopian visions and political realities as depicted in leadership elections within sci-fi literature. Through an analysis of various seminal works, it examines how authors use speculative settings to critique contemporary political systems and envision alternative forms of governance. The study highlights recurring themes such as the tension between idealism and pragmatism, the role of technology in political processes, and the moral complexities of leadership. By juxtaposing utopian ideals with the often harsh realities of political maneuvering, sci-fi literature provides a unique lens to understand and critique our own political landscapes.&nbsp;</p> 2024-06-29T00:00:00+00:00 Hak Cipta (c) 2024 Jurnal Komunikata Electoral Ambitions and Moral Dilemmas in Jane Austen's Works 2024-06-29T03:47:01+00:00 I Kadek Budi Santosa <p>In Jane Austen's works, the exploration of electoral ambitions and moral dilemmas serves as a nuanced critique of societal structures and individual ethics. Her novels often depict characters navigating complex social hierarchies and personal ambitions, particularly in the context of marriage and social mobility. Austen's keen observations reveal how electoral ambitions, such as the pursuit of advantageous marriages or social positions, often conflict with personal integrity and moral values. Through her incisive character studies and sharp wit, Austen illuminates the moral dilemmas faced by individuals striving to balance personal desires with societal expectations, ultimately questioning the moral compromises that accompany the quest for social advancement.</p> 2024-06-29T00:00:00+00:00 Hak Cipta (c) 2024 Jurnal Komunikata The Consequences of Choice: Electing Leaders in Gothic Literature 2024-06-29T03:44:41+00:00 Ni Nyoman Ratih Purnama <p>This paper explores the theme of leadership choices and their consequences in Gothic literature. By analyzing key works, it examines how the election of leaders, whether through democratic means or other forms of selection, impacts the narrative and characters within Gothic settings. The study focuses on the moral, psychological, and societal repercussions of these choices, highlighting how the selected leaders often embody or evoke fear, corruption, and instability. Ultimately, this investigation reveals how Gothic literature uses the motif of leadership to critique contemporary political and social systems, emphasizing the dark and often destructive outcomes of misguided or malevolent leadership.</p> 2024-06-29T00:00:00+00:00 Hak Cipta (c) 2024 Jurnal Komunikata Power Struggles and Popular Vote: Leadership in Early Modern Literature 2024-06-29T03:42:12+00:00 I Wayan Gede Sukmawan <p>This paper examines the intricate dynamics of power struggles and the concept of popular vote as depicted in early modern literature. By analyzing key texts from the Renaissance and early Enlightenment periods, the study explores how authors represented the tensions between monarchical authority and emerging democratic ideals. The works of Shakespeare, Marlowe, and Milton, among others, serve as primary sources to understand how literature reflected and influenced contemporary political thought. The analysis reveals a complex interplay between traditional hierarchical power structures and the growing emphasis on public opinion and popular sovereignty, highlighting the evolving nature of leadership and governance in early modern society.</p> 2024-06-29T00:00:00+00:00 Hak Cipta (c) 2024 Jurnal Komunikata Monarchies and Democracy: Election Themes in Historical English Literature 2024-06-29T03:39:55+00:00 Ni Komang Dewi Arisanti <p>This paper explores the recurring themes of monarchies and democracy in historical English literature, examining how different eras and authors have depicted these forms of governance. Through a literary analysis of seminal works, such as Shakespeare's histories and the political writings of the Enlightenment, the study highlights the evolving portrayal of kingship, the divine right of rulers, and the gradual emergence of democratic ideals. By tracing the transformation from absolute monarchy to democratic governance, the paper demonstrates how literature has both reflected and influenced societal attitudes towards power, authority, and the role of the citizenry in shaping their government. This analysis reveals the enduring tension between autocratic rule and democratic principles, providing insight into the historical and cultural contexts that have shaped modern political thought.</p> 2024-06-29T00:00:00+00:00 Hak Cipta (c) 2024 Jurnal Komunikata Democratic Ideals and Authoritarian Realities: Leadership in Victorian Novels 2024-06-29T03:37:34+00:00 I Ketut Dharma Putra <p>This study explores the tension between democratic ideals and authoritarian realities in Victorian novels, focusing on the portrayal of leadership. Victorian literature often reflects the social and political dynamics of the era, where emerging democratic principles clashed with entrenched authoritarian structures. By analyzing key works from prominent authors such as Charles Dickens, George Eliot, and Anthony Trollope, this research highlights how these novels critique and represent leadership. The characters and narratives in these novels serve as a mirror to the period's evolving attitudes towards power, authority, and social order, revealing the complexities and contradictions inherent in the Victorian vision of leadership.&nbsp;</p> 2024-06-29T00:00:00+00:00 Hak Cipta (c) 2024 Jurnal Komunikata Electing Leaders in Dystopian Fiction: A Literary Analysis 2024-06-29T03:34:46+00:00 Ni Luh Ayu Saraswati <p>This paper explores the portrayal of leadership elections in dystopian fiction, examining how authors depict the mechanisms and consequences of electing leaders in oppressive societies. By analyzing key works such as George Orwell's "1984," Aldous Huxley's "Brave New World," and Suzanne Collins' "The Hunger Games," the study identifies common themes and narrative techniques used to critique real-world political systems. The analysis highlights how these narratives reflect societal anxieties about governance, power, and the erosion of democratic values, ultimately revealing the inherent tension between individual agency and authoritarian control in dystopian worlds..</p> 2024-06-29T00:00:00+00:00 Hak Cipta (c) 2024 Jurnal Komunikata