
  • Dasa Septiangga Sistem Informasi Akuntansi

Kata Kunci:

Semiotics, Sufism, Roland Barthes.


This research aims to examine the connotative meaning of signs which reflect Sufism in novel The Alchemist. The data source of this research is Paulo Coelho’s novel The Alchemist which was published in 1992. The data source is gathered through library research technique, while the research method for this thesis is using Semiotics. In this research, the theory used is semiotic theory of Roland Barthes. This study focuses to analyze the signs contained in the novel and identifies the connotative meaning of the signs that reflects Sufism. The process of connotative signification is done by applying the systematic method which is called as second order of signification. As the results, found that there are 11 signs which reflect Sufism. The signs are classified into three subjects.  First, salik is symbolized by Santiago. Second, murshid is symbolized by the old Gypy woman, Melchizedek, the crystal merchant, and the alchemist. Third, tariqah is symbolized by Santiago’s journey. There are also found stations (maqamat) of tariqah, in six connotations: tawbah, wara’ zuhd, sabr, tawakkul, and ridha’. Last, levels of knowledge, found two connotations: ilm’ al-yaqin and ayn’ al-yaqin.


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