
  • Erliana Simanjuntak Sistem Informasi Akuntansi

Kata Kunci:

sula, black women position, racial problem, class discrimination.


Sula is a novel written by Toni Morrison. In this research the writer focused on the analysis about black women position described in Sula novel. The aim of the research is to find out the position black women in the society in Ohio. The writer started the research by arranging the theoretical framework and discussing the theory and approach that is used for the analysis. The writer used Socio-Historical approach. Moreover, by applying descriptive qualitative method to analyze the data. The data were from dialogues and narrations and the data sources was a novel by Toni Morrison Sula. By the end of this research, the writer was able to find the position of black women in society in Ohio. In finding the position of black women the writer analyzed the racial problems and class discrimination appear in the novel. The writer could conclude the position black women based on the analysis of racial problem and class discrimination, so it clearly shows the position of black women in Ohio society.


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