
  • M Chasogi Alam Sistem Informasi Akuntansi

Kata Kunci:

Liberal Feminism Ideology, Freedom, Oppression


Liberal Feminism Ideology is the idea of empowerment of women to get equal opportunity and extending their right by acknowledgment of society. In that sense, liberal feminism ideology helps women to remain about the sense of equality between men an women in many aspect. In accordance, the aim of the research is to describe the liberal feminism ideology through the character of A Game of Thrones Novel. The reserach shows that Daenarys, as one of the major characters in the novel, belives to freedom that can change the system that oppressed women, and she chooses to be the ruler of Khalasar community which they never have women to be their ruler before. The findings include equal right, equal liberty, sameness vs differences, and the suffrage.


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