
  • Siti Mariyam Sistem Informasi Akuntansi

Kata Kunci:

Word Formation,Magazine,Morphology.


Word as a part of language has important rule in forming a language. There are millions words now used by people. The word can be constructed since it has a process in formed. To understand how the words formed in a language, we learn about word – formation. The aims of this study are to describe the word formation process and to classify the processes of word formation. To support the writer analysis, the writer employs morphologycal approach.In this thesis, the writer usesalibrary research to find any information related to this research. Furthermore, descriptive qualitative method was utilized in analyzing the data. The main data were taken from the word of the dialogue in that magazine. As result of the analysis, the writerfinds thatthe word formation process in E&T Magazine september 2015 areCoinage, Initialization and Acronyms, Compounding And Clipping. It can give information about word formation, and understand what the meaning of word itself, to know what they mean by answering in the question in that way.


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