Kata Kunci:
Burma Depicted, Cultural Hybridity, The Glass PalaceAbstrak
This research examines the Hybrid culture in Burma in the novel The Glass Palace by Amitav Ghosh. Cultural hybridity as reflected in The Glass Palace becomes the main concern in the analysis, which is focused and drawn on Burma under colonialism. The objective of the study is to explain the description of Cultural Hybridity in Burma in Ghosh’s The Glass Palace and also the respond of society toward the Culture hybridity. To analyze the issue, the writer employed Cultural studies approach and the theory of hybridity. To manage the research, this thesis used descriptive qualitative research. Narrations inside of the novel become the data. Meanwhile the data source is novel The Glass Palace by Amitav Ghosh, published in the United States by Random House Trade Paperbacks in 2000. The finding reveals that Burma society under colonial as hybrid object which occurs in Burma Literature, Burma Construction, Burma Equipment and Technology, in addition, it also affects Burma Education and Burma Social system. In the second layer, the analysis is constructed to elaborate Burma Society Responds toward Cultural Hybridity under Colonialism.
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