
  • Aida Fitri Sistem Informasi Akuntansi

Kata Kunci:

Stream of Consciousness,On The Road, Beats Generation


This research analyzes about stream of consciousness theory seen in On The Road by Jack Kerouac by using stream of consciousness theory. The novel becomes the data source of this research. As one of the member of Beats Generation, Jack Kerouac is bounded by its characteristic in writing a novel. Beat Generation and the experiences as Beats were the starting point for Kerouac’s work with On the Road. The main purpose of this research is to provide researcher interest in stream of consciousness study in literature  with a collection of references delineating the analysis, the concept and the development of academic departments to the study. Moreover, the study of stream of consciousness in On The Road by Jack Kerouac deals with the analysis of the character’s thought, ideas, and feeling in a continuous way from one character to another at a particular moment means the focus more on the inner life rather than on the outer side.In this point the writer tries to give some view of Jack Kerouac on manhood based on his style of writing.  Through this research, the writer argues that Beats are youth that searching for freedom, skeptical youth, searching for meaning of life, music & literature lovers ,drugs and sex, seeking for true love.  In this stage, the writer will compare several quotes inside the data source and stream of consciousness and Beats Generation as supporting theory. This research uses descriptive qualitative mothod. It is aimed to explain how Jack Kerouac describes his ideal manhood based on his style of writing. Stream of Consciousness hold an important role in describing Jack Kerouac’s male character because it is focus on character’s feeling and thought by analyzing the character thought and feeling, the writer provide other researcher who is interested to discuss the same things.


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