
  • Meicy Mufiani Sistem Informasi Akuntansi

Kata Kunci:

slogan, advertisement, semantics, denotative and connotative meaning.


This research concerns with denotative and connotative meaning of slogans from selected cigarette advertisements.  The objective of the research is to describe how meaning is conveyed in the slogans. In this research the writer applied theories from Leech. As the result of this study, the writer found that the meanings of slogans of selected cigarette advertisements are conveyed through the words that have denotative or connotative meaning. The meaning of slogans that has denotative meaning is conveyed directly by using simple words literally to attract consumers’ attention and make them easy to get the point of message that want to be conveyed in slogan. While the meaning of slogans that has connotative meaning is conveyed indirectly and smoothly by using words which create another characteristic and have deeper meaning in order to get more attention or impression of consumers about the product. Both are used to create an interesting slogan, so that the consumers are willing to buy the product offered.


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