Kata Kunci:
Movie, RegisterAbstrak
Register is variety of language according to use. It is decided into field, mode and tenor. The objective of this study is to observe the kinds of register that used in Legally Blonde movie. The researcher applies theory from Michael Haliday about the kinds of register, the method is qualitative research. The data for this research is the utterances of the characters inside the movie that contain register. The utterances can be in the form of words, phrases and sentence. In conclusion, the researcher concludes that all kinds of register appear in this movie, namely, field, mode and tenor. Field is used by the characters for the purpose of the conversation. However, it will be influenced by the setting of the conversation. For the example field can be seen in datum ten. Mode concerns in the media. If it is speech, the language will be spontaneous and the feedback is immediate. Mode’s example can be seen in datum one. Tenor concerns to the relation between the participants, it will influence the words that will be used. As the example on datum one.
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