Anxiety of Donna Character in Heim’s We Disappear Novel: A Psychoanalysis
Kata Kunci:
Anxiety, Psychoanalysis, Psychological problem.Abstrak
We Disappear novel tells the story of Donna who suffers from cancer. She wants her son come back to home in order to take care of her diseases. Donna behavior causes psychological problem that is anxiety. Anxiety is the feeling something bad will happen in the future. Anxiety is the base and central of the development of neurosis. In this research the researcher is interested to discuss the psychological problem that is anxiety inside Donna character in Heim’s We Disappear. Therefore, this research is to explain there are psychological aspects inside the literary work, especially, We Disappear novel by Scott Heim.The researcher emphasizes on one approach that is psychological approach to disclose psychological problem of Donna character. Furthermore, the researcher applies psychoanalysis theory by Sigmund Freud about anxiety. There are three kinds of anxiety based on Freud, realistic anxiety, neurotic anxiety and moral anxiety. The method used in this analysis is qualitative descriptive method. This research also used library research. The researcher reads the other references from books, article, journal and web sources to support the analysis. From this analysis, it can be concluded that anxiety is a psychological problem. Donna suffers psychological problem that is anxiety. Donna character suffers in realistic anxiety, neurotic anxiety and moral anxiety. The three kinds of anxiety have different causes. Cancer as real dangers that exist in the world caused Donna suffers in realistic anxiety. Bad thought and childhood experiences can be cause neurotic anxiety. Donna moral anxiety comes from the contradictory between her desires to the society norms.
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