Kata Kunci:
cancer survivor, external world, genre, life expression, motivation, spontaenity as creationAbstrak
In this thesis, the writer discusses the about the life expression of a young girl in Indiana through the main character inside The Fault in Our Stars novel written by John green. The Fault in Our Stars novel tells about a group of cancer support especially a romantic couple Hazel and Agustus. The author express the real life of Esther in fiction And it has a corelation with the biography of the author. There are to problems analyzed in this research. First is about the motivation of author to produce The Fault in Our Stars novel. Second is the expression of personality, biography, emotion and idea of the author and the main character inside of The Fault in Our Stars.
Literature review provides theory and approach related to the discussion. The Writer applied biographical as the approach and Expressive as the theory to answering the problem formulation. Beside that, in analyzing this thesis, library research and descriptive qualitative research that writer applied to elaborate and to perform the that have logic corelation to the problem formulation.
In conclussion, the writer finds that there are four elements of expressive theory and it can be seen in The Fault in our Stars Novel such as: The work kinds of genre, it can be seen by the youg adult character and also romantic atmosphere that present inside of the story. Spontaenity as creation can be seen by the skill of the author to present a sensitive and different work about Cancer without setire anyone. External world that is being discussed is a world of Esther earl, a girl who survive from cancer in Indiana. Actually, John green dedicate this work to her best friend Esther earl, but beside that a whole world also get in touch with the story, the way author give life motivation to the audince throught the main character and also life motivation for cancer survivor.The writer described or proved those situation by stated some quotations which are direct and indirect quotation by the characters inside of the novel.
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