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Personality Type, Personality Development, Enneagram TheoryAbstrak
This research is conducted to describe personality type of Santiago as the main character and his personality development as seen from the Application of Enneagram proposed by Riso (1978) through best selling novel of Paulo Coelho’s The Alchemist. Descriptive qualitative method was applied in this research because this type of research is based on data narrated mostly in the form of words or sentences dealing with Santiago’s personality type and his personality development as seen in the Application of Enneagram through The Alchemist novel. Analyzing the data, the writer employed Riso’s theory that is theory of personality based on the model of Enneagram, which divided type of personality into nine types personality of human, that are the reformer, the helper, the status seeker, the artist, the thinker, the loyalist, the generalist, the leader and the peacemaker. In addition, level of personality development is categorized into healthy, average and unhelathy personality. The result of this analysis discovered santiago’s personality type as seen in the Enneagram theory that are the reformer, the helper, the status seeker, the artist, the loyalist, the generalist and the peacemaker. Afterwards, Santiago’s personality development as in the Enneagram that influenced mostly by his relationship to people who met are around him during his travel that are Santiago as healthy the reformer, as unhealthy the helper, as healthy the status seeker, and as average healthy the peacemaker. Finally, his personality type that most prominantly reflect to him is his personality as the reformer, where he has strong principle and purpose or mission in his life to get what he dream, and to find out his happiness in the world.
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