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Desert Flower Novel, Female Genital Mutilation, WorldviewAbstrak
In this research, the researcher discusses a novel by Waris Dirie, entitled Desert Flower. It is aimed to explain the tradition of female genital mutilation in the Somalia. This thesis is only focused on author’s worldview as seen in Waris’s Desert Flower. The data obtained through exploring some narration inside the novel and also there is secondary data that support the discussion. In this research, the writer applied the theory by knowing the author’s view about female genital mutilation. Due to the analysis, sociological approach is used to explains the problem. Since this research is dealing with social condition in Somalia about the tradition of female genital mutilation, so the writer uses sociological of literature and the theory of genetic structuralism by seeing author’s worldview. According to Gold man, the categorical structure which is a whole complex of ideas, aspirations, and feelings, which links together the members of a particular social group called world view. In desert flower novel, the author describes her view of the tradition. The researcher uses the secondary data to support the discussion since this research is analyzing world view. The results of this analysis present that the worldview of the author and the worldview of the nomad tribe about female genital mutilation in Somalia. Female genital mutilation tradition gives the bad impact of the Somalia ‘women. Cause of the tradition gives the pain full and other bad impact. The dangerous impact is some of the woman die after they get the female genital mutilation. The author’s view of about the tradition is she does not agree of the tradition even though the tradition is one of the culture of her country. She wants the tradition removed from their culture and no women in the world especially in Somalia will not have the experience same as the author.
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