Kata Kunci:
Translation technique, modulation, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince novelAbstrak
This thesis contains analysis of translation techniques in a novel Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince by J.K Rowling which is translated into Indonesian. Thus, the aim of this thesis is to identifying and describing the techniques are used in translation novel into Indonesian. The writer analyzed this translation technique according to translation technique. There are eighteen techniques, there are adaptation, amplification, borrowing, calque, compensation, description translation, discursive creation, established equivalent, generalization, linguistic amplification, linguistic compression, literal translation, modulation, particularization, reduction, substitution (linguistic, paralinguistic), transposition and variation. Moreover, the writer used library research and descriptive qualitative research in doing this analysis. The techniques found by the writer in analysis are six techniques; there are calque, discursive creation, literal translation, modulation, particularization and reduction. Based on the results above, it shows that the translator dominantly translated the phrase and sentence in English into Indonesian by using modulation. Although there are some techniques also use to translate that phrase and sentence.
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