Kata Kunci:
short story, translation shift, unit shiftAbstrak
This research discusses the unit shift in the Indonesian-English translation of short
story Clara atawa Wanita Yang Diperkosa. The objective of this research is to
find out the patterns of unit shifts translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English.
In order to reach the objective, the researcher applied translation shift concept
proposed by Catford. Moreover, the researcher also applied qualitative method
since the researcher gave detailed description and explanation of the phenomenon
studied. The data sources are from both Indonesian and English short story Clara
atawa Wanita Yang Diperkosa. After comparing the translated text, the researcher
then classified the data found based on the pattern of unit shift.
The patterns of unit shift found in the translation of Clara atawa Wanita Yang
Diperkosa are (1) shifts from bound morpheme to free morpheme, (2) shift from
free morpheme to bound morpheme, (3) shift from word to phrase, (4) shift from
word to clause, (5) shift from word to sentence, (6) shift from phrase to word, and
(7) shift from phrase to clause. The researcher also found that mostly the shift
from word to phrase occurred in the translation. This can happen because there is
no single word in the TL which can carry the whole meaning of the single word in
SL or because the translator considered the aesthetic value of the text.
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