Kata Kunci:
Ommision, sentence construction, word class, word order, syntaxAbstrak
In constructing well-form sentence, word order held an important role to make the sentence can be understood. If the words in a sentence are in the wrong order, the sentence will not make sense. So, it is important for foreign language learners to put the word in the right order. This study is aimed to analyze the kinds of word order error in sentence and phrase made by students of STBA Teknokrat. To analyze the data the writer used descriptive qualitative method and used library research in order to collect the data which had been analyzed in this research is 20 papers of fifth semester students’ academic writings from academic presentation class in academic year 2016/2017. The result of the research indicated that the researcher 2 types of word order errors, which are syntactical distribution and sentence construction. In syntactical distribution errors, students did 7 from 14 representative most-occured data, it shows that students did not really pay attention on the head of noun phrase.The form of syntactical distribution errors can be occured when students are failed in placing auxiliary in the noun phrase distribution and misplacing verb phrase and participle in verb phrase distribution. Whereas, the second is word order errors in sentence construction. In this type of word order errors, the researcher found 3 categories, which are ommision of subject, ommision of predicate, and omission of object. This type of error showed students’ unconsistency in making well-form sentence, it is seen from the frequency of errors which is 7 from 14 most-occured data. Hopefully, these findings would be beneficial to L2 learners of English to reduce errors in writing skills syntactically and to improve students’ writing ability by having more practices.
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