Kata Kunci:
deixis, person deixis, spatial deixis, temporal deixisAbstrak
Introduction Language study has been becoming the main concern of researcher and linguist. Since, language is the method of human communication such as spoken or written, consisting of the use of words in a structured and conventional way. In addition, every language contains word which has particular meaning and its function to deliver the message to the addressee or audience. Headline news is information about anything that posted in the online news as an article. In headline news usually has a title which is interesting to attract the reader to read the article. This study is also significant because it will reveal the use of deixis that commonly happen in the headline news of the Jakarta post There were some procedures that used by the researcher in collecting the data: news in the Jakarta post, it can be determined that most of the utterances or the sentences in the article contains deictic expression that often used in news article.
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