
  • Paulina Sefrinta Indah Ivana
  • Bela Rizky Utami

Kata Kunci:

Deixis analysis, Song


Music takes on an increasingly significant role in our lives.Our lives are brighter now that music is around than they were when we didn''t have it.Music is heard by people of all ages, not just those of a particular age group.The majority of music also includes the delivery of words, making it possible to refer to it as "language of emotion" given that many songs are written to convey the author''s emotions.The data that i use in this analysis is the song from Anne Marie untitled "2002", firstly, the Researcher listen for the songs played and transcribe the lirics of the song to the written texs. After that, the Researcher processed the data by devided all the lirics to each of the types of the deixis.


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