Socio-Cognitive Analysis on the Lyric of "Surat Buat Wakil Rakyat" by Iwan Fals
Kata Kunci:
Song,Socio-Cognitive,Discourse AnalysisAbstrak
The purpose of this article is to use sociocognitive analysis to examine government criticism in the song's lyric.The writer will look at the lyrics to Iwan Fals' "Surat buat wakil rakyat" song.The song, written by Iwan Fals himself, was released in 1987.This song was written to criticize the government through song. It explains how socio-cognitive influences social and cultural thought.We are aware that the song became one of the mediums through which we could express our thoughts and ideas; however, at the time it was released, the song was banned because it is quite difficult to criticize the government.
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