A Critical Discourse Analysis of the Special Report from The Jakarta Post:Leader of Hong Kong says she would "quit" if she could because she worries that her ability to deal with crises is now "very limited
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CDA, Norman FaircloughAbstrak
The purpose of this study is to combine information from The Jakarta Post with Norman Fairclough's theory of a three-dimensional framework.The first technique used in this study is textual analysis, which includes the following types:Relational Value, Expressive Value, and Experiential Value.The second type is Discursive Practice Analysis, which includes the following categories:Consumption, Distribution, and ProductionThe following types of social practice analysis make up the third category:Social, institutional, and situational levelsThis study employs a descriptive qualitative study method.The information is from The Jakarta Post, a news website, and is titled:Special Analysis:The leader of Hong Kong says she would "quit" if she could, and she worries that her ability to deal with crises is now "very limited."According to the theory that was used, the use of CDA will explain how the text could have an impact in a variety of ways, including socioculturally, and it will also show the textual, discursive, and social practice of news.
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