The Analysis of the film Pursuit of Happiness starring Will Smith
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The Pursuit of Happyness , Film, 2006, American Education.Abstrak
The drama biographical film "The Pursuit Of Happyness" is based on the book "The Pursuit Of Happyness" by Chris Gardener and is based on a true story. Produced by Steve Tisch, James Lassiter, Tood Black, Jason Blumenthal, and Will Smith (who also plays the main character in this movie), directed by Gabriele Muccino. Will Smith, Jaden Smith, and Thandie Newton star. This movie will definitely teach you a lot about life. The story of this movie is about a small, simple family. Chris Gardner, played by Will Smith and Linda, played by Thandie Newton, is a husband and wife who have a son named Christopher, played by Jaden Smith, who lives in a simple, small rental house. A bone density scanner, which is thought to be very revolutionary, was purchased by this family with their savings. They make their living selling these machines.
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