Analysis of Discrimination in the Film The Rosa Park Story
Kata Kunci:
Discrimination, Racism, Boycott, Qualitative DataAbstrak
This study discusses cases or acts of discrimination (racism) in Mrs. Rosa Louise McCauly Parks and her actions in the civil rights movement, which made this story into a film called The Rosa Parks Story. The film is set in or shows the problems in the separate communities of Alabama and the Deep South. As a child, Rosa was educated in a private school run by the Religious Society of Friends (Quaker), where she was encouraged to overcome the boundaries of segregation. In her late teens, she married Raymond Parks, a barber and equal rights advocate. In fact the act of discrimination was evident from when Rosa was a child to the point where she refused to give up her seat to a white man on a racially separated bus after a long day at work, she was arrested. His example and treatment prompted a bus boycott as a major civil rights demonstration in Montgomery, Alabama; lasted 381 days from 1955 to 1956. People who participated in the boycott chose to use their private cars or walk several kilometers to work and school. I used qualitative data methods in this research, because I was studying how characters are formed by examining dialogue to determine how issues and problems in The Rosa Park Story film are formed. I researched the problem or outline of the story that is about racism and the civil rights movement in the story of the main character named Rosa Parks, and I searched for written data on web pages in journals, noted some information from films and others.
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