Kata Kunci:
Analysis, article, language change, EnglisshAbstrak
language is often changing especially in every other human language, language is always adapting, evolving, and changing to fullfill the needs of its users. This is not a bad thing actually if english had not changed since let say from 1950, we would never have a words refer to modems, fax machines, computer or TV cable. As long as the needs of language users continue to change, so will the language. The change is remains slow that from year to year we can notice it, except the poor english that used by young generation nowadays, however reading a Shakespeares writings from the 16th century can be very difficult for us. If you go back to the couple more of centuries, Chaucers Canterburry Tales are very tough and if you go back more for another 500 years trying to read The Beowulf, it would be like reading a different langauge that you think even exist. The result of this study will contribute to the broader information about why language change happen to English words.
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