Kata Kunci:
Analysis, dyslexia, language disorder, Wonderful Life movieAbstrak
This study discussed An Analysis Of Dyslexia Character Portrayed In Wonderful Life Movies. In this study, the writers intend to provide an understanding of dyslexia through the Aqil character as an initial identification. Language disorder is a disorder that involves processing linguistic information. This language disorders can also be interpreted as language disabilities that cause interference with both an understanding and expression of language. Meanwhile, "Wonderful Life," itself is a film directed by Agus Makkie in 2016 tells of Amelia's journey accompanying Aqil undergoing various therapies for Dyslexia where in the process the mother and child experience various excitement, happiness to inner conflict and trauma which ultimately makes them better understand and understand each other, especially Amalia who learns to see the world from the point of view his son's colorful perspective and thought from a completely different perspective from his thoughts so far.Aqil as the main character suffering from dyslexia. Aqil was diagnosed with Dyslexia from the age of 7 years Dyslexia itself defined as a disorder in the development of reading difficulties and learning disabilities with difficulties ranging from coding single words to spelling and writing. The data collection technique in this study is carried out through the library research by downloading the script and the audio file of the movie. Then, the writers make a note from it. The findings of this study conclude that Aqil has difficulty putting thoughts into words, speaks in halting phrases, and leaves sentences incomplete.
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