Kata Kunci:
Analysis, communication, differentiate, sociolinguisticAbstrak
Observations of the differences between the way males and females speak were long restricted to grammatical features, such as the differences between masculine and feminine in morphology in many languages. However, in the 1970s women researchers started looking at how a linguistic code transmitted sexist values and bias. Lakoffs work (1975) is an example of this; she raised questions such as: Do women have a more restricted vocabulary than men? Do they use more adjectives? Are their sentences incomplete? Do they use more superficial words? Consequently, researchers started to investigate empirically both bias in the language and the differential usage of the code by men and women. This paper will analyze a short recorded sample of natural conversation (see Appendix 1) in order to discuss if the following claims can be supported by research: a) women talk more/less than men; b) women break the rules of turn-taking less than men c) women use more standard forms than men. Results in the analysis showed that there does not seem to be a distinguishable difference with respect to the usage of language by men and women potentially due to the establishment of an informal atmosphere during the recorded sample and to a sense of solidarity among participants, which enabled them to make use of the code to maintain conversation.
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