Kata Kunci:
To-picture, Deception and Vanity. Not Good CharacterAbstrak
The work analyzed in this thesis is a novel entitled The Chronicles of Narnia: The Last Battle written by Clive Staple Lewis.The purpose of this research is to portrayalsmeaning those Deception and Vanity that appear in Lewis’s The Chronicles of Narnia: The Last Battle. Descriptive qualitative method is applied in this research because this type of research is based on data expressed mostly in the form of words or phrases dealing with the issue analyze.The approach used in this thesis is the objective approach. This approach was chosen because the analysis on this novelis involved in the intrinsic elements contained in the artwork. To support the analysis and interpretation of this thesis, different sources of information such as books and the Internet will be used. In analyzing the data, the writer employs use theory of elementof fiction prose that is intrinsic elementscharacterization, plot and setting that proposed. The results of this analysis the writer show some deception and vanity exist in Lewis described through novelsThe Chronicles of Narnia: The Last Battle Novel which characters Monkey, Donkey, Tirian King and Lion. The writer finds more of the consequences of Shift's actions on the puzzle and the people of narnia for his own benefit.
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