Kata Kunci:
Celtic, Mythology, symbolAbstrak
Symbol in literary work is often considered as unimportant thing in part of literary work because sometimes, symbol is only a little part of the story. Although actually symbol play an important role in the story as a tool to delivered the meaning that want to emphasize by the author.Which in this research the writer analyzed the symbol of celtic mythology in the novel harry potter and the sorcerer's stone. In order to find out the symbol of celtic mythology in the novel, this researcher conducted a descriptive-qualitative method with mythological approach and celtic myth theory to find all the symbol of celtic myth in the novel. The result of the research show that in the novel Harry potter and the sorcerer's stone there are three symbols of celtic mythology, which are the symbol of purity that picturized as a unicorn, the form of shape-shifting and the last is a harp of dagda. those symbols function as a tools to modify the story , to give a sense of the stroy to be more interesting and as a bridge beetwen the previouse story to the next story.
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