Kata Kunci:
Nazneen, independence, third world women, Bangladesh, London.Abstrak
This research aims to describe the portrayals of Nazneen independence as main character in London. Before describing the portrayals of independence, the researcher analyzes Nazneen’s life in Bangladesh and London. Descriptive qualitative method was used as the method of this research because the data of this research was presented in the form of dialogue and narration, which the data source was taken from novel Brick Lane by Monica Ali. The researcher employed theory in analyzing the data, that feminist from third world country can struggle to get her independence in social or environment, financial, etc. on another county.
The researcher found data which are Nazneen’s life in Bangladesh and London which shows the portrayals of Nazneen’s independence. Nazneen’s life in Bangladesh is contributing her characteristic to know how she struggle with her original culture. Meanwhile, Nazneen’s life in London became the struggle in cultural differences between her original culture and the new culture. And portrayals of Nazneen independence are Nazneen independence in suffrage, Nazneen will not copromise on injustice, Nazneen has to be positive and broad minded, Nazneen independence in job.
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